What information do you need from me to send an offer?

We don't need a lot to get started.  Just fill out our property information form or give us a call at 855-558-5263 and we can begin our analysis.  We may need to gather some additional information so please include your phone number and/or email address in case we need to follow up with you.

How Does It All Work?

Selling your land to Wild Springs Investments is an easy and hassle free process.  Here are some of the questions we hear the most.

Why not sell it on my own?

​Selling land on your own can create a host of costs and lost time. Selling unimproved land can take months to years to accomplish. Real Estate agents often do not spend time or money on land clients due to the time it takes to sell and the lower commissions. Financing land is often difficult for buyers so you'll be waiting for cash buyers or hassle with owner financing. If you want to liquidate your land assets quickly, using traditional selling methods is usually not the solution.

If I get an offer, is there an obligation?

​No. There is never any obligation, risk or hassle in getting an offer from us. It is up to you to decide to accept the offer or not - never any obligation.